06 January 2014
WWRA AGM November 2013


The 2013 Annual General meeting was held at Breich Valley Church on Thursday 14 November 2013.

Almost half the residents turned out with apologies and proxies received from all the other members

showing the strong interest in the Association

Vice Chair, Roger Eastland welcomed the audience and gave a resume of the past year’s work since the last AGM.

The 2012/13 year began with the switching on of the Christmas lights, the Christmas dinner and the Carol Service. All

well attended and enjoyed even if it was rather chilly. Over the rest of the year we have held three coffee mornings, a

garden party, a jumble sale and the annual BBQ. The funds from these events plus our usual raffles and the donations

from residents allowed us to purchase two marquees, a tea urn and water container, a heavy duty strimmer for

dealing with the weeds outside the boundary fence, a salt spreader and shovels for the grit bins in the Park and a new

garden shed. A plaque was also purchased to commemorate the planting of the Diamond Jubilee tree in the garden. A

free bag of salt was given to each member household for their driveways and more was available at a reduced price.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped us to achieve all that.

The year culminated in the visit to the Park of the Scottish Housing Minister Margaret Burgess to launch the New Park Home Legislation.

The Treasurers statement showed a balance in the accounts of £1,689.46 and the committee recommended no increase

in 2014 subscriptions. The meeting approved both the accounts and the 2014 subscription level. The meeting also unanimously agreed the continuation of the Community Company and approved the re-election of the existing directors.

The meeting appointed the 2014 committee as Wilma Gault (Chair), Roger Eastland (Vice Chair), Susan Meiklejohn

(Secretary/Treasurer) plus Members—Elaine Gilbertson, John O’Neil, Gerald Carson, Tom Meiklejohn, Mike Larkman and Jim Haluch.

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