

Willow Wood Park comprises a high quality bungalow style estate, targeted at retired and semi retired householders which began developing in 2003.   The development has essentially created a modern village of 44 households where a caravan site existed previously.  The Community has come together over recent years, to embrace the concept of a sustainable community and to demonstrate the residents’ wish to interact, to care for and assist each other and to embrace the concept of self help.

The members of the Community were anxious also to engage with local, statutory and other bodies to explore ideas for community enhancement and involvement and particularly to pilot new ideas where this unique setting and community might be appropriate.  This aspiration saw fruition in a residents association, Willow Wood Residents Association (Willow Wood Residents Association (WWRA)) and a Community Company (Willow Wood (West Lothian) Community Company to take forward the community's interests.

The Willow Wood Residents Association enjoys over 80% membership among the residents and regularly organises social events such as outings, get-togethers such as this year’s Jubilee Party, an annual barbecue, Christmas Carols in the Community Garden and an annual dinner.  Please take a minute to look at our event pictures in the various galleries.  A central focus is the community garden and greenhouse which has been entirely established and is maintained by volunteers from the residents association and is funded from association funds. The garden is a pleasant quiet space used by all residents.

Also published locally is the Willow Wood Wanderer newsletter which keeps the community up to date on news views and events affectinng the park and the wider park home community.  See copies of previous front pages here.

Residents of the community are already utilising the advantages of park home life and the Community Body see this way of life as a potential way forward for other Scottish communities and even as a potential solution to mainstream housing requirements and inclusivity.  At Willow Wood, two members who have special mobility needs are experiencing the enhancement of their opportunity for independent living within the Community. Ongoing Community activity maintains and expands the energy shown by the residents who are cohesive, enthusiastic, and concerned about their future and their environment.

As well as social activity, the Willow Wood Community has been at the forefront of lobbying the Scottish Government for radical change to the laws governing park home life and this campaign is now bearig fruit as we show elsewhere on the site

Browse our website to get a flavour of park home living in Scotland and of Willow Park in particular.  Enjoy your visit and - please leave us your comments on the guestbook page.

Beautiful Homes
Beautiful Homes
High quality, bungalow style homes with up to the minute amenities such as modern fitted kitchens, en-suite bathrooms, walk-in wardrobes, top of the range central heating and excellent insulation properties
Lending a Hand
Lending a Hand
Disability does not stop Diana McGovern doing her bit painting the garden fence!
Rural Setting
Rural Setting
Willow Wood is surrounded on four sides by open land with views to the North over the Ochil Hills, East to the Pentland Hills and South and West over the Breich Valley
Community Spirit
Community Spirit
Locals share a little community 'spirit' to celebrate the opening of the community garden in August 2008
Click for Map

See copies of the Willow Wood Wanderer on the library page


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