
Park Home Living

Apart from the way they are constructed, a park home is almost exactly the same as a modern bungalow.  Park homes have gas central heating, double glazed windows, pitched roofs and new homes are normally supplied fully furnished.

 In every respect they are a modern homes with all the usual facilities of  fitted kitchens, often two bathrooms, bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and access to broadband and satellite TV.

The main difference is in the legal tenure of the property.  You buy and own the home but the ground it sits on is usually rented from a site owner who levies a monthly rent for the services provided such as drainage, street lighting etc.  Individual parks have differing approaches particularly to the supply of utilities so it is always best to check on this in advance.  The best option is parks where the gas, electricity, water and sewage are supplied by a recognised utility provider.  This gives you the freedom to change supplier as prices compete.  At Willow Wood all utilities are obtained from main suppliers and sewage charges (for septic tank) are included in pitch fees.  This arrangement gets you a reduction in water charges and this is reflected in the Council Tax charge

On the matter of pitch fees, these vary widely depending on the park location but here at Willow Wood they sit at just over£147 per month in 2017.  This is offset by Council Tax being set at Band A - currently around £800 per annum.

If you would like more information contact us here

If you own a residential park home (also known as  mobile home) or are thinking about buying one, in Scotalnd, you have specific legal rights and obligations to protect you. Find out more at https://www.gov.scot/policies/homeowners/mobile-homes/



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See copies of the Willow Wood Wanderer on the library page


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