
The Park Home Lifestyle in Scotland

Almost by accident the Willow Wood development became a social experiment that allowed people of working middle age, the semi-retired and those of retirement age and beyond, to live their lives in a self supporting community; a community that believed in sustainability and could provide for its own needs in terms of welfare, education, fitness, transport, entertainment, leisure, and provide for its own future energy needs.  The community is not insular, it already interacts with neighbours and is providing for greater access and a fuller more meaningful interaction with the wider external community, particulary other park home communities. 

Through recent research into Scottish land reform and potential changes in park home legislation in Scotland, Willow Wood officers and members gained a deeper insight into park home living. This expertise began to be shared with other park home dwellers, park home communities in both Scotland and England, other residents’ associations and indeed with organisations such as Shelter.  Recently community body officers participated in a working party of the Scottish Government on park home living.  It is an aim of the community body for Willow Wood to become a Centre for the development of best practice in park home issues and to provide a resource for research in these matters including advice and publications.

Additionally, we are happy to advise anyone considering buying a park home or to assist existing park home residents with any problem relating to their park home life.  We will also provide a consultancy service to professionals, legislators and park home owners in the various aspects of park home operations.

Contact us through our links page or confidentially to jim.haluch@willowwoodwestlothian.co.uk.

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See copies of the Willow Wood Wanderer on the library page


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