The Scottish Government have put out to final consultation a set of proposals to amend legislation affecting park home residents in Scotland.
These far reaching proposals cover isues such as commission on the sale of homes, resident's rights versus park owner's rights, inheritance of your park home, definition of what the pitch fee actually covers and much else.
The legislation last underwent a major revision 50 YEARS ago and there will not be another chance soon for park home residents to set the rules of the game.
Currently the rules are biased against residents and in favour of the park owners - you must have your say now to redress the balance!
The current consultation ends on 19 March 2011 and government decisions will be based on the responses received.
Make sure you and your park home neighbours are aware of and participate in the consultaion. See our home page for more details.
Access the consultation here today and have your say:
We have published our own draft response in our LIBRARY secftion and you are welcome to use the information in forming your own response. To ccess the draft response form click HERE