Willow Wood recently affiliated to PHLAGS (Park Home Legislation Action Group Scotland) to further our aims in seeking improvement in park mome legislation for our mmebers. We will bring you regular updates on PHLAGS activity.
It has always been PHLAGS aim to encourage the development of a Parliamentary cross party working group similar to that which flourishes in the English Parliament and Angela Constance MSP has worked hard to achieve this.
Unfortunately it has not been possible to recruit enough members yet and in the mean time at the suggestion of Iain Gray MSP a less formal group of MSPs has been formed. On Tuesday March 16th 2010 Barry Plews and Mike Larkman visited the Parliament and met with Angela Constance, Rhona Brankin, David Whitton and Iain Gray
The meeting provided a perfect opportunity for PHLAGS to brief the MSPs on the issues and as an outcome the group were keen to be identified with the minister Alex Neil and to keep the pressure on him and his officials to ensure that the priority for change was maintained and to ensure that there was no watering down of the difficult issues
At the suggestion of Iain Gray the group agreed to press for an early meeting with the Minister and PHLAGS understand that a tentative date in April has been set
The next meeting will be determined by events but it is reassuring to note that PHLAGS has been encouraged to contact the group members at any time
Do you have problems on your park home site? Why not ask your local MSP to join the group?