05 February 2009
Park Home Residents Seek Advice

We have been surprised at the number of visitors  to the site who have contacted us for advice on Park Home matters.

Generally, these contacts are from representatives of individual park home residents' organisations who are experiencing some sort of difficulty with their park owners, although in a couple of cases we have been approached by individuals for advice on their situation.  We never cease to be surprised at the fact that almost in all cases, the problems are the same.  Unfinished roads, owner-resident disputes, lack of  street lighting, electricity or water supply problems, charges for park supplied utilities, road safety problems outside parks and a general lack of awareness of park home legislation.

The Officers of the Community Company and of Willow Wood Residents Association have acquired considerable knowledge and experience over the past five years and we are happy to share our experience. We are however, not in a position to offer any kind of definitive or legal advice although we are happy to make suggestions or to point to other sources which we have used ourselves.

This experience does suggest to us that the probelems facing park home residents need to be urgently addressed by the Scottish Government and its officials.  It would seem also from our contacts,  that recent legislation in England and Wales has actually created problems and we would wish any Scottish Legislation to take account of that experience.

Please continue to contact us, by email if possible, so that we can offer some help - but particularly so that we can acquire a firm view of the problems country-wide, which we can use in our lobbying of politicians.


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